Wednesday, May 26, 2010

AmAzing GrAce (My own version)

I,m not even a little bit as holy as I should be

and sometimes I think it is not even worth try

Then I remember it is by Your grace

and fall down on my knees and cry

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

You always forgive and think about me

I am constantly lost - by You I am found

I am crazy

but You help me see

He made me righteous

and I can now stand

in His presence

even with dirty hands

He takes my sin and wash it away

I can swim in a pool of His mercy

for all of my days

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

of my Father calling me

I once was foolish

not being able to see

that my Father

will always come to rescue me

Monday, May 24, 2010


Jy vat my lyf
jy vat my lewe
ek het jou al soveel keer vergewe

ek is toegedraai vir jou in geskenkpapier
met goue linte versier

in diep duister poele verdrink ek nou
ek soek n reenboog om aan
vas te klou